Wednesday, August 31, 2016

at the losing end of the battle...

When I heard the question posed to my wife, I didn't feel much pain.
Instead I felt the passing bittermess and jealousy. It was just a feeling and nothing personal. I wasn't angry with the enquirer.

Like other similar scenarios, this experience made me question my own faith, question God and life. This experience also discourage me of any good in life and that u should live for the moment instead of aiming for eternity. It just makes me want to squeeze everything selfishly out of life and give up once and for all.

Such a typical strategy that works everytime - right Satan?

Meanwhile I am still at the losing end of this battle.

National #2 favourite question

Q: "Do you have any kids?"
A: No.

Favourite follow up question to national national #2 favourite question:
Q: Is it planned?
A: No

National #1 favorite question

Q: how many kids do you have?
A: zero. It's a number and it answers your question.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Gnite Mr Dee

Gnite Mr Dee. I am not impressed that you have been a long term resident in my private abode for almost three weeks in a row.

But then again, I also suspect you have been around longer than that, perhaps years but your sneaky and rat-like ways eluded my detection so well that you seem more a visitor that resident.

But tonight my suspicion rose to a blue moon like one during high tide.

I don't want to think or worry about you now.

Hitting the sack, so... don't wait for me to complain to Abba about you ok.

Now be gone.


Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Cannot be bothered

I cannot be bothered about everything in life anymore
What's the point?
Who cares

Monday, August 08, 2016


Jasmine where are you??????!!!!!!!!!!!

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