Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dog with Men-No-Pause

The mad dog seems to display heavy Men-No-Pause symptoms.

Barks like crazy and nit-picks small petty issues to his whims.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Designed to torture

It shall end soon ?

Not really

I guess its designed to inflict torture on me


Sunday, October 30, 2011

AFA (Arrogant Fat Arse)

AFA is back, for a couple of months.

All he knows is how to CRAP:
C omplain
R ant about how stupid others are
A rrogantly puts it like he knows best
P uts others down

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The beast is back

The mad dog barked non-stop since last week.

What a din.

This unreasonable dog sure has lots to bark about, however most of the time - up the wrong tree.

Most of the time it just pees and shit under the tree though. Though it fertilizes the trees but everyone is disgusted by the sheer presence of the dog.

Just last week, it was chasing its own rotten tail and barking everyone in its way.
Probably thinking he's the King of his animal kingdom, he barks everyone to his whims
and his speed.

Pray, God please subdue or incapacitate this beast soon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Big Chief

One day the COO of a company suffered serious constipation. So the COO asked his able assistant to find the cure. The assistant emailed the Regional office for assistance.
The email read " HELP! BIG CHIEF NO SHIT !"

The Regional office took 2 weeks to reply. By the time COO was fuming mad and more
constipated than ever. After ding-donging for another 3 weeks, the Regional Procurement Manager, the Group Managing Director, 2 Dept Heads and some 15 other staff resigned and got replaced for reasons unrelated to the COO's constipation problem. Finally the able assistant, who have yet to resign, received a parcel from their NY office. It was the cure. The COO consumed the cure, shat and collapsed.

The able assistant emailed the Regional office for further assistance. The email read

The next day, the able assistant was promoted to COO : " CHIEF ORSI ORLIEW "

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Farewell to my best friend

3rd August 2011

Farewell my friend , you have done well.

Snoopy ,you were the smartest dog i've ever had.

I remembered Lucky - who didn't even looked at me the day i came back from England. I was away for one year for my studies.

You lived to a ripe old age though you suffered in the last few days of your life.

You accompanied my parents when both sons are not with them, for 12 years.

We will miss you Snoopy. Farewell and may God bless you.

From all of us
At No. 197.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

My oh my...

2nd June 2011

My oh my....
Did it feel less painful now ?
Or is there no longer any feeling left in me ?

Fly my lovely dove,
Fly over the river , across the bridges
See your reflection by the still lakes
Display your graceful wings to the photographer

My lovely dove
Where thou art my lovely babe
When all else fail
My heart shall not reveal