Friday, December 21, 2012

Yet another sad point in my life

2006 mum had cancer
2008 mum died, my daughter died
2012 dad diagnosed with stomach cancer

It's Christmas season again.
21-12-2012 just passed with no signs of the end of the world, thanks to some great interpretations of the Mayan calendar, probably some Mayan decided to stop producing those bulky calendars at one point.

Oh dear, oh dear, what are we to do now?

I really don't know how.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Redeem me O Lord

I am so tired, scared and disappointed.
Oh Great Redeemer, whose name if Yahweh,
When will you rescue me?
For I cry out to Thee!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Too salty

Chicken rice is a tad too salty today..

We are asked to be the salt and light of this fallen world, but when we are too salty - our words will surely be unpalatable.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mid life crises it seems

Even apes faces mid life crises, it was reported.

My brother in law told me that he is currently facing one.

Well, at the very least he already has two kids towing the line...

And he happens not to be an ape...

or is he ?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saddest point in my life

2006. When mum was diagnosed with cancer, my mere month old fetus in my wife's womb was pronounced deformed and probably dying.

Baby died. Stillborn.

Mum died too.

The saddest point of my life is upgraded daily. Every day, every moment, everytime I recount this tragedy, I realized myself that today ,indeed is the saddest point in my life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


he likes to use a particular analogy to deflect requests for annual increments.

To him, the need for more money is like a hygiene factor. There is never enough. And you just
need enough to survive.

Well ?

For himself, this analogy does not apply.

For me, his analogy is just an ANAL-LOGIC. Why? Coz it full of SHIT!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The ship that never sinks

You see, I am on this huge ship
-this huge ship that will never sink,
But you see this ship is one where
-people keep jumping off,
Some get pushed down by other suicidal ones
BUT this ship never sinks.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Stupid Hermaphrodite

While walking down the hill, an idiot felt thirsty and squatted by the meandering river to sip water.  'Yucks!', she spat, the water tasted like a concoction of faeces and urine.  She shook and flapped her palms violently and shook her big head violently, thinking 'This water tastes a little bit like shit!'.

Then she got up and continued her downhill track thinking to herself, 'Maybe the water down the stream will taste sweeter', smiling to herself.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lessons in Life#2 Avoid riding the emotional roller coaster of another

Don't ride the emotional roller coaster rides of others
by not accepting their offer in the first place to join their ride
Avoid unecessary communication with her,
Keep your distance from her

Her words, expressions and body language
Are the tickets to join her emotional ride
Keep your distance from her
Drive in safe emotional distance

Don't start giving in to her
Sympathy is of no value here
For trickery is the order of the day
You'll regret the moment her 'wind' change.

Like a sudden, uncertain wind that spins havoc
Wrecks and brings everything down
Beware of this insane person,
Better be safe than sorry

Lessons in Life#1 It's kinder to be harsh

Basically you order what you serve others
Whether or not you realize it
Whether or not you are aware of your behaviour
People will not keep taking all your non-sense.

So especially for those who have been serving shit
and expecting to receive ice-cream, cash & promotions
I tell you the truth, you only get back shit - many times fold
Yes - more than you could ever imagined!

"Its kinder to be harsh than to be even harsher later."
There is a limit in everything.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

STRICT Guidelines on how to deal with people in Category 'F'

1. First thing in the morning as you sit down, remind yourself that this fellow is CATEGORY F.
2. Next, remind yourself you intend to focus on the agenda of the day, this fellow is NOT in agenda.
3. Third - put this fellow into the intended corner - the Category F corner, the place for unrecyclable trash!
4. Get on with the important stuff of the day.
5. Whenever you are annoyed or reminded of this fella, remember point 1.

Thursday, April 05, 2012


The best of friends sits next to each other uttering not a single word, yet experience the best of friendship. True relationships are often beyond words - limited by language itself, articulation and comprehension.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hemaphrodite's antiques

Ah... the mood swings of a hermaphrodite,
At times, its allright
During other days, it swings up to the treetops
Today, its in the shit hole

Laziness, work-avoiding antiques,
they all creep into her ways,
responding in childish, irresponsible ways
All i can do is wait for God's righteous right hand to strike.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Rule for Category 'F' people

New Rule with effect from 25thMarch2012.

For people categorized under category 'F',I shall no longer put anymore attention.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Hermaphrodite & her ways

Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite,
What right -
you think you have over this earth,
that made you treat everyone with a black pot face ?

Hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite,
Are you sure you will survive
for yet another hour
this day or another ?

Not willing to face
the harsh realities of life
doesn't mean life will get
any less harsher

But at whose expense,
are you dishing out all your blackfaces ?
and your insincere dealings with people around you
and blaming everyone for your mishaps ?

Too bad, hermaphrodite
you still never learn from experiences of life
continuing your ways
sacrificing everyone along the way

Only The Lord our God knows
who,what,when and where
each one of us
will face and how we will fare.

To Him Be all Glory and Honour
For He is Our God.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Hermaphrodite in Hell!

Thank you for wishing me a black birthday
with a black birthday card,
on my birthday.
i hope your
will be
with a blunt object
before the turn of your next
birthday so, dark you can't see
your future nor your past anymore than
the hermaphrodite in the pitch of the darkest corner of Hell.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Crooked Ass

When shit hits the fan, the innocent cover their faces;
The crook covers his ass.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Remedy for black face of a co-worker

The best remedy for a black face is to pour shit over it...

over and over again, if you have extra time & shit.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Greatest 'Contradict-ionist' of our time.

He: I want this NOW !
(Gave it to him in that instant)
He(frown): Not now! That's too fast.

He: You know i am very busy, i don't read my mails. I want this delayed for me NOW!
Me: Ok, will make necessary arrangements to delay it specially for you.

He: Now don't tell me this cannot be delayed for me because so and so says so. Tell me and i will tell them!
Me: Ok , will re-schedule for your convenience.

The globe revolves around him, so he thinks...

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Nothing but Sex and Kids

Men think of nothing but Sex,
Explains why everyone has nothing in their heads but Kids ?

A conversation began on facebook today with a 'friend' i haven't seen
or heard in 20 years.

friend:How are you ?
me:Fine, thanks.
(A good 20 secs later)
friend:how many kids ya?

Logged off facebook, wrote this blog and un-friended him.

Sorry, this is NOT a kids-friendly blog.
Yup, neither is it a kids-friendly facebook-page.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another dreadful dragon year

Dreading it as usual this year. Rabbit hopped off, dragon flew in... apparently.

What have i learned this year ? What have i learned after all these dreadful years ?
It simply does NOT sum up.

This year I decided to not entertain the dreaded. Their shamelessly antics of bringing their children to our home does not agree with my current philosophies, you see there is no children here. So we are not entirely children friendly; and any effort to make
our home children friendly will not be physically nor psycologically rewarding.

So i just chose to ignore their very presence and continue to pack my stuff as i was leaving for my 400km journey.