Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Choice of Physical and Spiritual Birth

No one can choose to be born into this world, it is not a decision that one can make.
In other words our physical birth is not by our choice.
If physical birth is not by choice, Spiritual rebirth is even more so !

So you and I did not choose to be born and live wherever you and I are now.
The children did not choose to be where they are now. It is not by their choice.

There is no point in 'over'-bearing excessive remorse over physical deaths or the state of not being born of others or closed ones because you and I know this is predestined and not within our control.

There is also no point in analysing, arguing and dicing over whether who will receive God's personal salvation. There is no need for 'over'-bearing, excessive remorse over the possibility of them entering the gates of Hades because the names written on the Book of Life are God's decision and further more, you and I are not even certain of our own fate from now till Christ's second coming.