Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mangy dog strikes again.

The mad dog striked again yesterday evening.

It wasn't an ambush.
I could see it coming, cock-eyed and injured from some accidents at home and what-nots.

I normally can take his attacks better than this.
I was still able to maintain my calm and composure, as I fend off the attacks without fighting back.
I wasn't able to think of any ways of attacking him in response to his mangy ways.
Any thoughts of fighting back was firmly under the control.

I am not supposed to fight a mangy dog that can go even nastier, and the result would be disastrous for me in the end.

So the only way, is, to have patience - the same patience I have employed in the past eight years.

Beware, mangy dog! The blood letting tradition has yet to be performed on you - but the day will sure arrive. Meanwhile, let your ego grow and that day will arrive sooner!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The pains of life

The heaviness in the heart weighs and dulls everyday. Sadness loomed at every corner i gaze. Anger stems from every source of children and family oriented tales, sounds and images.

Some stooped in their stubborn belief say this is "self pity".

The anxiety, pain, trauma and shock of bad experiences do affect an individual. There is no denial to effects of total 'experiences'.

The pain in the neck gets worse when lying on bed last night. The morning started with dizzy and aching head that feels like its bursting at the seams.

The wonderful numbing effect of ethanol seeping into the brain took care of the aches for the whole night, well almost.

I remember the nice, peaceful tingling effect of my hair being trimmed by my plump, silver-streaked haired barber the other day. Its been a long time since i last experienced it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My beloved mother, my beautiful Jasmine

This is the darkest days of my life.

My beloved mother is cancer striken and is undergoing chemotheraphy. It is so painful to see her suffer.

My baby - Jasmine has normal chromosoms. But she left this world before she was born into it.

I hope it will be a blissful afterworld for her.