Friday, August 12, 2011

Big Chief

One day the COO of a company suffered serious constipation. So the COO asked his able assistant to find the cure. The assistant emailed the Regional office for assistance.
The email read " HELP! BIG CHIEF NO SHIT !"

The Regional office took 2 weeks to reply. By the time COO was fuming mad and more
constipated than ever. After ding-donging for another 3 weeks, the Regional Procurement Manager, the Group Managing Director, 2 Dept Heads and some 15 other staff resigned and got replaced for reasons unrelated to the COO's constipation problem. Finally the able assistant, who have yet to resign, received a parcel from their NY office. It was the cure. The COO consumed the cure, shat and collapsed.

The able assistant emailed the Regional office for further assistance. The email read

The next day, the able assistant was promoted to COO : " CHIEF ORSI ORLIEW "

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