Friday, October 21, 2005

Inner wants, outer wants

21st October 2005.

Inner wants, outer wants.

Desires can be categorised widely into two categories.

Those we can understand and hence more openly discussed (eg desire to own a bigger house) and those we cannot easily understand or discuss (desire for enlightenment, psychological freedom, sexual desires, etc).

Desires, however are not so clear-cut all the time - many lie somewhere in between "easily understood" and "totally out of our mental grasp".

We shall call materialistic and easily understood desires ''Outer desires" and inner and less easily understood desires ''Inner desires'' for ease of further reading.

Inner desires tend to pile-up in our minds more so than outer desires because we mentally slip them under the mental carpet when we have difficulty dealing with them.

Under the mental carpet (or we call the subconscious mind), complex layering of these desires creates a mesh of mental pattern. When the pile-up is not slowed down, a mental mess of desires produces frustrations, emotions, ego and various other side effects.

Cravings for material items and materialistic actions can be symptoms of unfulfillment of outer, materialistic desires. Such unfulfilled can be the result of deeper, unfulfilled inner desires.

. . .

Enough of mental knotting for today,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Deer I'm working with the writer of this course for The purpose driven life and Inner wants, outer wants has helped so thanks. Anny