Sunday, May 08, 2005

Please guide us, Lord Krishna

Please guide us, Lord Krishna

Dear Lord Krishna

My humble obeisances unto You, the Lord, the Begining and End of Everything,
The One and Only Who Controls and Orchestrates everything;
Words and expressions cannot measure up to the awe and respect my tiny soul has for You.
My utmost respect and obeisances unto You, My dear Lord Krishna.

My Lord, i thank You for all your care, comfort and special attention you have showered,
i know that i do not deserve it, though i need and beg You for it,
Thank You my dear Lord Krishna.

My dear Lord, again, i am begging You
to guide and shower me with Your will, Your care, comfort and your so special attention,
As You already know, i feel pressurized by the future, which is in Your total control,
against so many comments and opinions and i only hope to thrive in the comfort of You,
Therefore my dear Lord Krishna,
Please do guide me within Your flawless plans which is sanctioned by You,
Through me and my wife as Your instruments may we receive, nuture, love and be loved in the coming of a baby boy this year.

Hare Krishna

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