P8th May 2013
At 4:10am his breathing stopped.ol
And he is with The Lord now.t
Scrambled to find the clothes and photographs for the funeral, we quickly made our way to the home to find his body still warm as I touched his cheeks.
Eyes closed, face no longer in distorted pain but breathless, his face depicted a calm, serene look and the edge of his lips curled a faint smile.
Thank God he is relieved of his suffering, the last hurdle having surpassed, he now can rest in peace. Go for a holiday with mum in Heaven ,papa! And someone said later, 'without having to board a plane'.
By 5:30am I sorted out all the documentation, clothes, identity card, shoes, photograph before dad's body was loaded into the back of the hearse by three men, dressed in very dark blue.
Before 7am we were at the mamak stall having roti canai, coffee and tea. Then off we headed for homfreshen up a little.
By 8:30am we're off for more errands.
Appointment with the unldertakers at 10am. Meanwhile more calls, messages of condolences from cell group members clogged he phones.
The entire parlor was setup prim and proper by 10am. Dad was dressed up in shirt and tie in a dark suit. Could not help noticing the embalmed look is different from the time he breathed his last where the face waos broader and lips were wide. Now the mouth including the lips are pointed like a bird peck. No longer can I see the faint smile.
The day was definitely the longest for a long, long time. We only went back for a quick shower Obefore appearing again in our stamdard white top, black pants custume at the parlor at 5pm.
Wake service started at 8:30pm. Me and my wife were the only family representative. Fortunately our Cg members who were represented by 3 persons being our greatest consolation.
My uncle AhKu and his wife was first to arrive at around 6:30pm.
Relatives and friends filled the chairs by 8pm.
The opening speech, the worship, the eulogy and the sermon by Pastor Quek
were completed by 10:30pm. The place was alive with conversations till past 11pm. The mood wasn't somber but people were filled with a kind of happiness and gathering.