Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just because its f**kin fathers'/mothers' day!

Just because its f**kin fathers' day or mothers' day , so they get to eat for free ?

How about a new marketing gimmick where single parents, widows, orphans, those with dead children gets to eat for free ??

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sinking boat

Don't know how much longer. How much longer can i keep this boat from sinking.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A new reserve

A dull pain in heart, tears well up in my chest
..waiting to pour out at the prospect of an invite.

The pain is still there, after all these years, though tears seem to have ran dry. or is it ? Suddenly a new undiscovered reserve of fresh tear supply is felt just beneath the heart.

The key that unlocks the reserve is nearby in the neighborhood. But is it going to help ?